Tibet Ellor released a new track called “Santa Maria” or Blessed Virgin Mary that’s all about forgiveness, hope, and gratitude. Tibet has shown once again that he knows how to use his unique musical talent to uplift the human spirit. Santa Maria is Emotionally-rich | Transcendent | Grandiose Song The lyrics to “Santa Maria” take the listener on Tibet's personal meditative journey. Through his lyrics, Tibet describes what he experienced during his meditation. "I wanted my lyrics to reflect my quest for a deeper understanding of impermanence and the appreciation I gained. "
The song's s lyrics highlights gratitude, expressing the joy of living a life connected to the deeper meaning of embracing change. Tibet expresses a powerful statement in the lyric, “Looking for a better place to call home / Everywhere around me has changed/ Mothers crying in the streets, children without fathers/ Babies are crying in pain !” In this line and in several others throughout the song, Tibet expresses insights into his vision during his meditation process and reflects on the subjects of impermanence and change. Santa Maria mixes elements of Trap, Opera, and Classical Music to paint the scenes musically. It's absolutely excellent. You will enjoy it. Santa Maria Is A Masterpiece

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